Thursday, November 20, 2014

Passive House Poem

Passive house so green 
So efficient 
The best yet
I get it it's different 
We don't like change 
But what we don't understand 
Is that this is for the best
Make a diffrence 
by allowing what's

Tycoons Became so Rich

(This image shows the secrets behind corporations)
A tycoon is a wealthy and powerful person in a business industry.Tycoons were not born successful. They had many strategies that got them the wealth we all seek. 

The main strategy that these powerful people use to archive there wealth in business is to control as much of the business as possible by eliminating competion. 

A robber baron after establish their monopolies would then rise the price of products to a ridiculous amm out and would reduse the wage of the workers. 

Social darwasim was the theory of the survival and success of the most capable. Also that being poor was a sign of being lazy or inferior and deriving of poverty. That god made them that way and it should stay that way. This theory was most liked by the American millioners due to the fact that by believing this, they would no longer have restrictions to profit.
(This image is to represent a monopoly)

Monday, November 10, 2014

Summary of Tech Reading

In the informative article tittled How Science and Life Interacted During the American Industrial Revolution compiled by Dany Blas incorporates how technology has changed the way we live.

Technology such as steal has allowed America reach the skies by building higher and stronger buildings using elevators to reach the top.

 Technology has also changed the way people move around, it allowed us to innovate in many different transportation systems such as trains, subways,street cars, etc. 

It has also changed the way we read and learn since it allowed us to make products such as newspapers faster and cheaper. We no longer had to wait months to revive information, we would now receive it instantly. 

A passive house is the most energy efficient home yet. It differce from traditional homes since it is up to 5 to 20 percent more expansive to build and the design is modern. Yet the building procedure may be more, it would sabe you much more money in the use of energy in the long run.

Yet the passive house sounds to be the perfect home, many don't agree. They complain that this house is too expensive and that they do not equivalent to the designs of homes surrounding it. An alternative to a passive house would be what is called a pretty good house. This house is more energy efficient than a traditional house but not as much as the passive house. 

Some residents living in expensive neighborhoods, are be against the idea of a passive house. I belive that their neglection comes from the fact that the passive home won't fit in with the homes surrounding it. Most expensive neighborhoods involve one type of architectural design and adding the design of a passive home would just destroy their idea of consistency. 

This image shows an annotated article of how technology has changed the way we live.
This image shows an annotated article explaining the opinios on passive homes.